GROUP 37 - Music Video 2008/9

Friday, 10 October 2008

Rough Cut Contents

Our Rough Cut will only be able to contain the Guitarist and the narrative

Because of the setting it takes smages to write- ARGH!

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Map of the Problematique

The format of the video as it is at the moment isn't compatible with the project at the moment, so things are sort of taking a while! Ouchies...


Listen to Daisy Chainsaw

...Because I said to.

We're putting together our rough cut today, so it's not going to be TOO polished. However, it'll still give y'all a good idea of what we're doing. At this moment in time we are figuring out where to put all the shots in relation to the song. In fact, there's some footage that I've never seen before, so Annie's obviously gone off and got quite a lot!

The pressure's well and truly on, but we'll be fine!


Wednesday, 8 October 2008

We're All Here!

We have just shot footage of all of our sticky notes with people's dreams on them. We took a little walk to look for a suitable wall and found one right outside our room- argh. Ah well, we need the exercise.

Anyway, the shooting itself went really well, and we left all the sticky notes up for people to take/laugh at. w00t. 'tis all captured, and t'will be edited to a suitably funderful standard.

It's pretty well edited, but we haven't sped up the newly accustomed still versions to fit the beat!

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Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Further Costs for Costume and Props

Saturday is Park Time. Whoop.

Ballerina shoes: £0, to borrow from a friend (who WON'T let me down)

Lawyer suit: £0, to borrow

Builder: £0, actor

Clown costume: approx. £30 -

Lights: for a rack of rhythm co-ordinated lights, approx. £15

Travel for the rest of the group to location: £5 each

There are so many more things yet to take into account, but we are taking things as they are.


We decided to scrap those ideas, and do some new ones, including a wig and some make-up. Which made Aidan look fabulous (pictures later.) So the costumes changed, the general dreams changed, and we didn't do the lights

Also, we were going to use this guitar originally. It is Aidan's custom-built Gibson and it does cool things with lights. However, the idea was scrapped due to the lights not being used and the fact that he'd have to take this ultra-valuable one-of-a-kind guitar on a BUS!

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YAY, A CRISIS. And a change in ideas.

Hi. So the band have pulled out, a DAY before filming. Great.
It's ok, we'll get actors. Just give us a few more weeks.

Along with the lack of cast (which we have now discussed and found a feasible solution too), we have an issue with the Polaroid idea. As the film is so expensive, we have decided to use post-it notes instead. Then we can still use the fluctuating wall effect and the dream idea. Also, as Aidan is a genius and is hiring a lighting rig, we can use fluorescent post-it notes with a black light to make them glow.

We are collecting the camera at 4:10 tomorrow and the next day... it's official!

And now we've already got over all the bad things in life. Oh to be this simple.,

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Friday, 26 September 2008

We're no strangers to love

Today we have filmed some test footage. however because we had limited time and facilities we were only able to film a few shots, but we managed to sort out a few potential bug with the chair shots. P.S. the cake is a lie!!

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Wednesday, 24 September 2008

We have the dreams, but do we have the talent to fulfil them?

Simon Cowell says no- WE say yes. Do we get a prize?


Aidan and Annie will be in the camera pit and on stage, filming during the real performance and sound check, also, while other songs are performed will will be gathering cut-aways.

Aidan has just gone home as he is ill, but Josh and I will be filming test shots.

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Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Animatic Feedback/What Aidan did at the weekend

Today the group viewed our animatic and they have given us some feedback.


- Live performance shots are clear and help to define genre
- Editing was well timed with the beat of the music
- Split screen with the silhouetted band members worked well

- Shot of the Polaroids on the floor is unclear

We only had one con- get in there! =D Anyway, I (Aidan) checked out our live location at the weekend- Newmarket Battle of the Bands. From this little visit I established that the stage looks pretty damn awesome and there is sufficient space between the barrier and the stage for us to set up our cameras- sextacular, Count Dracula!

The Polaroids are going to cost us a lot of money- like... £50. =/ Ouch! This is going to be costly! Because of this, I will drop my trousers for spare change.

ARGH!!!!! Wizard angst!

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Friday, 19 September 2008


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Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Our plans, they have changed!

We have a super-special awesome new member to our erotic club/group, and she has linkage to a band who are sexy enough to be in a video that we record. We turned down Napalm Death for being too fat. Her name is Annie and she rocks socks like rocks with... chickens. Anyway, this allows us to use the band in our video, which is super-special awesome.

Because people in bands are fickle people (which is why I've been through 16 drummers in a year- I'm not like this anymore so PLEASE contact me if you can actually drum -Aidan), so Annie consulted the band to see what their ideas are. Their initial idea involves what the lyrics imply - people's dreams. This also involves using Polaroid pictures, with their hopes and dreams written on the white bit at the bottom, for example, a picture of a builder whose dream was to be a ballet dancer, mixed with performance shots of the band in the chorus with the band performing in a room to meet the demands to sell the artist. Here are a few of our ideas:

1) Point-of view- looking at polaroid, then the person's face.

Here are the lyrics:

My hands and feet are tied to this chair
It stays like this where I get nowhere
Woah-oh we lost all feeling
Woah-oh a long time ago

'Cause it happened again
We have the dreams but do we have the talent to fulfill them?

'Cause I won't fail you
I won't fail you again
I won't fail you again
You break your back to know my name
Then you just throw me away
Forever, we'll see where this one takes us

I lost my touch a long time ago
One poker game and now I'm broke
What a suprise

We open up to dreams
Dream 'til we lose our feeling
But we can always say
At least we try

'Cause it happened again
We have the dreams but do we have the talent to fulfill them?

'Cause i won't fail you
I won't fail you again
'Cause i won't fail you again
You break your back to know my name
Then you just throw me away
Forever, we'll see where this one takes us


You ain't see the last of me yet
You ain't see the last of us yet
You ain't see the last of me yet
You ain't see the last of us yet

'Til the death bed
'Til the death bed

'Cause I won't fail you
I won't fail you again
'Cause I won't fail you again

The music video will be aimed at the target audience that the song already has. Which (by the look of the comment board on their social-networking page) consists mainly of young teenage girls... fab(?). They'll want to see this music video as the song is already hugely popular with the fan base.
The video will have both a narrative and 'as live' performance footage that is interlinked with the lyrics. The idea is all about dreams, as the chorus implies. Visually, the 'story' side will present characters (extras) who have dreams they have either missed the chance to fulfill (for example, a builder whose childhood dream was to be a ballet dancer) or can still fulfill but is nervous about. Each extra is introduced by a polaroid picture being stuck to a wall of a board, in a hall opposite the band (who are playing the song itself). Initially there is a negative feel as all the extras are disappointed, but through the song, either the band members to the extras, or the extras to one another help everyone achieve their dreams.
Unlike other music videos, this was not fully consciously inspired by any other video, although in production, I'm sure other's ideas will shine through.
This music video is gunna be aweeeesome.

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Tuesday, 9 September 2008

iMe gusta el bus!

No. Do not want deadline. However, 'tis next lesson. DO NOT WANT.


-To be written on t3h blog.
-PROPOSAL for t3h muzak video.


-Clear written summary for t'video (500 words)
-2 embedded actual music videos that are similar in style and/or content, AND analysis of each.
-Images that indicate location choices




We don't need a title. We're just cool like that.

Soup, /b/?

We've decided on none of the songs on the list because we're too good for them. However, we've used our ultra-mega quantum-band links to get the authorization to use a super-special-awesome track by Man on Earth called Lazy. They have even said that if they like our video enough that they'll put it on their myspace page- how freakin' 1337 is that? We will win some internets if they do.

We have sort of started to think about pitching, but first we have to transcribe the lyrics. This is hard because we are still upset at not being able to do 'Poo Through My Ass' by The Left Rights, which would have been much easier to pitch due to its specific lyrical content.

Since the song is about a failed relationship, expect something cheesy and Nickelback-esque. Hmmm... cringeworthy! Well, it would be nice to break away from this formula of ph41lure, but the video has to be depressing- people like to be afraid or depressed in our bizzare post-9/11 world. Oh yeah, I went there.

In other news, a man tried to break into my house last night, so I proceeded to whack him over the head with my fold-up chair until he was 'unconscious'. Upon inspecting him after my assault, I found:

-A torch with no batteries
-A half-empty packet of fig rolls
-Instructions for The Simpsons Monopoly
-A pack of used matches
-An elastic band

Upon further thought, I have suddenly thought to myself;

'Oh my God, I killed MacGuyver!'

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